September 1, 2021


Website -




4:00 p.m., Council Chambers, 2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North,

 North Las Vegas, Nevada 89030




The North Las Vegas City Council welcomes each of you to its City Council Meeting. On March 12, 2020 and March 15, 2020, respectively, the State and the City declared States of Emergency related to COVID-19.


To ensure your safety and the safety of others, anyone interested in speaking in regards to items on this agenda may participate in one of the following ways:



Comments provided in written format are shared with the Council when the specific item is heard. If you attend the meeting and wish to speak on a particular item, please complete one of the blue cards located at either the table outside the main entrance to Council Chambers or at the podium rail inside Council Chambers. Please list the item, your name, and your address on the card in accordance with North Las Vegas Municipal Code (NLVMC) 2.04.140(b) and give the card to the City Clerk. When called upon to speak, please state your name and address for the record. We request that you limit your comments to less than three minutes and that you avoid repetition. If you are attending the meeting in person, we also request that you remove your hat and/or sunglasses, as applicable, before speaking to the City Council.



Items on the agenda may be taken out of order. Two or more agenda items may be combined for consideration or items may be removed from the agenda or have the discussion delayed to another date. For general questions regarding this agenda or for supporting material, please contact Marie E. Purcell, CMC, Acting City Clerk at (702) 633-1030.



The North Las Vegas City Council Chambers is accessible to all persons. If you need special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting, please call Relay Nevada, a free service provider for deaf, hard of hearing, deaf-blind or those having difficulty speaking on the phone, by dialing 7-1-1. Call at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting in order to speak to City offices in order to submit your comments on agenda items.


These proceedings can be viewed in person at Council Chambers or live online at the City’s website and YouTube. Council meeting video is recorded for future viewings on KCLV, Cable Channel 2. The video of the meeting is rebroadcast on KCLV Channel 2 the Friday after the meeting at 4:00 P.M., the following Tuesday at 12:00 P.M. and the following Thursday at 6:00 A.M.  Video rebroadcasts can also be viewed on Channels 2 or 1002 by CenturyLink and Cox customers. The video of the meeting is published to the City’s Public Access Portal the day after the meeting. 






Verification that the Agenda and Meeting Notice was properly posted on the bulletin board at City Hall, 2250 Las Vegas Boulevard North, the City’s website (including supporting materials), and Nevada Public Notice website in compliance with NRS 241 (as amended by AB 253 (2021); the Nevada Open Meeting Law).






In accordance with NLVMC 2.04.150 Rules of Decorum, the Mayor is empowered to enforce proper conduct at meetings and to prohibit conduct impeding Council meetings. Any person willfully disrupting a meeting shall be warned to refrain from inappropriate conduct and may be removed from the meeting if they do not comply with the request.


NLVMC 2.04.150(C):  Persons Addressing the Council. Any person making personal, impertinent, slanderous, or profane remarks or who willfully utters loud, threatening or abusive language, or engages in any disorderly conduct which would impede, disrupt or disturb the orderly conduct of any meeting, hearing or other proceeding, shall be called to order by the presiding officer and if such conduct continues, may at the discretion of the presiding officer be ordered barred from further audience before the Council during that meeting.


NLVMC 2.04.150(D):  Members of the Audience. No person in the audience shall engage in disorderly conduct such as hand clapping, stamping of feet, whistling, using profane language, yelling, and similar demonstrations, which conduct disturbs the peace and good order of the meeting.



Father Miguel Rolland

St. Christopher Catholic Church






Certificate of Recognition for the Business of the Month.




PUBLIC FORUM (702) 215-6380


This is the first of two portions of the meeting devoted to the Public. Public comment during this portion of the agenda must be limited to matters on the agenda for action. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Mayor. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.





Approve City Council Regular Meeting Agenda of September 1, 2021. (For Possible Action)


CONSENT AGENDA (702) 215-6380


Matters listed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine and may be approved by a single motion. However, any Consent Item may be moved to the Business portion of the agenda for discussion at the request of any Council member.



Approve City Council Regular Meeting Minutes of August 4, 2021. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)




Approve Full Liquor Off-Sale Business License for Platinum Management Group 3 LLC dba Bob’s Market, 150 East Centennial Parkway, Suites 111-112, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89084. (Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action)






Accept Grant in the Amount of $46,340,548 from the U.S. Department of the Treasury Under the American Rescue Plan Act State and Local Fiscal Recovery Fund; and Authorize the City Manager or His Designee to Execute the Grant Award Documents and Enter into Agreements for Local Administration of Funding. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)






Approve Agreement to Use Local Government Contract for Naspo Valuepoint Computer Equipment Contract with Dell Marketing L.P.; and Authorize the City Manager to Execute Various Purchase Orders in an Amount Not to Exceed $700,000 for Hardware, Software, Maintenance and Support for the Information Technology Department. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)





Approve Augmentation to the Information Technology Department's FY2021-2022 Operational Budget in the Amount of $532,000 from the Yearly Recurring Infrastructure CIP Funds to Purchase Infrastructure and Daily Operations Equipment. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)





Approve City Wide Solar Camera Rental Agreement with Ahern Rental, Inc. in a Total Amount Not to Exceed $325,900; $162,000 Annually for a Two-Year Period with No Renewal Option, Plus $1,900 One-Time Cost for Delivery/Pickup and Transportation Regulatory Fee for Solar Powered Cameras at Various Locations. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)





Approve First Amendment to Agreement to Use Local Government Contract for Annual Crack Seal with American Pavement Preservation LLC Which Increases the Agreement Amount from $49,500 to an Amount Not to Exceed $400,000, Funded by the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada for the Completion of the Entire El Dorado Communities Phase 1-3 Crack Sealing Projects, CIP Project Nos. 10509-20A and 10509-20B. (Ward 3-Black, Ward 4-Cherchio) (For Possible Action)





Approve First Amendment to the Purchase Agreement with Brenntag Pacific, Inc. Which Increases the Amount of the Agreement from $2,244,000 to a Total of $2,963,650 for the Remaining Term of the Agreement with One, Two-Year Extension at the Sole Discretion of the City Manager for the Wastewater Treatment Chemicals for the Water Reclamation Facility and the City’s Swimming Pools. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)







Matters listed under Set Future Public Hearing Dates will not be heard by the City Council at this meeting. If you wish to speak on these items, attend the meeting where the Public Hearing will be heard and submit a blue card to the Clerk.



Set Date on Any Appeals Filed or Required Public Hearings.


  • VAC-09-2021

(Tropical & Christy Industrial Park)

Set Public Hearing for September 15, 2021

  • ZOA-01-2021

(Apex Landscaping Requirements)

Set Public Hearing for September 15, 2021







Matters listed under Public Hearing are those items that are required to have a public hearing according to Nevada Revised Statues and other applicable codes. Items under this heading may require a notice published in a newspaper of general circulation and/or may require mailed notices. In addition to Public Hearing items, associated Ordinances for Final Action may be included under this heading to facilitate action on items related to the same project.



Ratify the North Las Vegas Police Supervisors Association Collective Bargaining Agreement for Supervisors for the Period of July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2024. (Citywide) (For Possible Action) (702) 215-6311





Ratify the North Las Vegas Police Officers Association Collective Bargaining Agreement for the Corrections Non-Supervisor for the Period of July 1, 2021 Through June 30, 2024. (Citywide) (For Possible Action) (702) 215-6312





Approve VAC-10-2021 (Valley Vista Parcel 1.3) for Applicant: DHIC Valley Vista LLC to Vacate a Public Drainage Easement in Conjunction with Development of the Property Generally Located at the Northeast Corner of North Decatur Boulevard and Farm Road. (Ward 3-Black) (For Possible Action) (702) 215-6313







There is no public comment for these items and no action will be taken by the Council at this meeting. If you wish to speak on any of these items, please attend the meeting where the Final Action will be determined and submit a blue card to the Clerk.



Introduce Ordinance No. 3090, Amending Title 17 of the Municipal Code, Relating to Zoning (ZOA-01-2021, Apex Landscaping Requirements); by Amending the Requirements Within the Industrial-Apex Overlay District, and Providing for Other Matters Properly Related Thereto. (Ward 1-Barron) (Set Final Action for September 15, 2021)





APPOINTMENTS (702) 215-6380



Appoint City Council Members to the Southern Nevada Water Authority to Serve as Representative and Alternate for Terms Coterminous with Their City Council Terms. (Citywide) (For Possible Action)










PUBLIC FORUM (702) 215-6381


This is the portion of the meeting devoted to the Public to speak on any subject within the jurisdiction, control, or authority of the City Council. After completing and submitting a blue speaker card, please come forward to the podium upon recognition by the Mayor. No matter raised in Public Forum may be the subject of deliberation or action but may be referred to the City Manager for action at a later date. Please state your name and address for the record. In consideration of other citizens, we ask that you please limit your comments to three minutes and that repetition be avoided.





The City Clerk keeps the official record of all proceedings of the City Council. In order to maintain a complete and accurate record of all proceedings, any photograph, map, chart, or other document used in any presentation to the Council should be submitted to the City Clerk. If materials are to be distributed to members of the City Council, please provide thirteen copies for distribution to the City Manager, Assistant City Manager, City Attorney, City Clerk, and Staff.